Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I have to start solidifying my experts and figuring out who to interview.


Josh Singer agreed to be one of my experts. He really helped guide me along the way from the beginning, so I feel great that he agreed to become one of my "official" experts and to make sure my research and solution looks solid the entire way. In particular, he's pretty much directly affected by the situation and is also aware of how much we need professional practice education for students, so he's in support of my research study. I definitely have a lot of uncertainty about where I can take this research and what I can do with it, so his feedback is certainly welcome—and crucial.

I was hoping for Professor Melanie Doherty of CCA to be one of my experts, because she would be able to provide such vital information and insight on what the industry needs, what students lack, and how we can teach them. She hasn't responded to me email from a few weeks ago, however. I would really like someone who runs a professional practice class to provide me some wisdom for my research. I also discovered that RISD and a few other schools offer professional practice education courses—I'm going to contact several more people to find not only experts and interviews, but also successful parallel situations.

For my graphics expert, I'm still up in the air about what direction to go. This is because I'm not certain at all what my solution would be, and I feel that having an idea would give me a clearer idea of what kind of visuals I'd aim for and, consequently, which graphic designer might be most fitting as an expert for my project. I have a sense that my research study might leads to a design that tries to convince and persuade. So, I think it might be great to find a design who does very bold designs to become my expert. I will browse some magazines and my design books to find some designs that strike me—perhaps I'll really connect with a designer's work.

Hoping to recruit my experts soon, so I can receive as much guidance as possible for my research! Until next time.

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